Saturday 24 August 2013

Please Advice: Lady In Love With Her Brother And Have Been Doing 'IT' With Him

This a strict sound of warning for siblings to be wary of their affections for one another. Too much of anything is not good; with no exceptions to affection. You know a bombshell can't be lighted and kept under the bosom. NO! It will surely explode. This lady in question, though expresses are remorse, but the damage is done already. 

Read the story line yourself:

Strange! Me and my younger brother have always been close, he's 18, I'm 20 and recently we've seen our relationship blossom.

I wish I were trolling, that what I'm about to tell you is a lie - but it's not, please don't judge me.

It's been this way for a month now, we'd always been typically close siblings but ever since he broke up with his girlfriend, I would comfort him and say "it's alright, you'll find someone perfect someday."

Last week we were in his room and I said those exact words, we looked into one anothers eyes and kissed. It felt weird, he came onto me but I reciprocated and before long we were french kissing on his bed, he was touching my knee.

Then, of course, our parents returned and I felt wrong. Kind of gross, even.
I went back to my room and cried. The next day we were home alone and he kissed me again, things got out of hand and we were doing things to each other, then we made passionate love and reclined into one another's arms. It's been almost three days since we made love, we've been kissing and doing other things whenever we can and I can honestly say that we are in love.

We've been planning our future together, and I'm beginning to think I made a HUGE mistake - I love him, but I'm not sure if it's like that. 

What should I do? I don't condone what I did at all, please don't mock me, he came on to me and I was

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