Monday 5 August 2013

Lindsay Lohan goes topless in leaked photos from The Canyons

Lindsay Lohan is pictured in the shower (Picture: Sodium Fox Film)
Lindsay Lohan is shown topless in leaked pictures from her new erotic film The Canyons. The actress, 27, who has just come out of rehab, is seen having a shower in the raunchy movie.

In the film, written by Brett Easton Ellis, Lindsay’s character Tara takes part in a sex scene with three porn stars....

Lindsay Lohan strips off for the erotic film (Picture: Sodium Fox Film)

The actress made the film crew strip to their underwear while shooting one of the scenes. Journalist Stephen Rodrick wrote about the incident for the New York Times saying: ‘Lohan dropped her robe. Schrader shouted action, and they filmed the scene in one 14-minute take.

‘About halfway through, Lohan looked directly into the camera and flashed a dirty, demented smile at [director Paul] Schrader.’

The film has been panned by critics in the US with The Star-Ledger’s Steve Whitty writing: ‘Who remembers her when she was still a performer, and not just a cautionary tale?’

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